May overview
In certain years, in early and mid-May, Laos remains pretty dry, however by the latter part of this month, though the wet season is all, guaranteed to be under way across Laos, particularly in the Northern provinces around Phongsali. Typically intense, rainfall is short lived and quickly replaced by sunshine and blue skies even though downpours can be expected in the south longer.
With Vientiane and Luang Prabang experiencing the average temperatures of 28°C, temperatures remain high, whilst farther south in the 4000 Islands and Pakse, highs of 35°C are the norm. Avoid the short yet heavy showers, you will find that May, when plenty of sunshine is still expected and tourist numbers are lower than previous months, is still a great month to visit Laos.
Slash & Burn
During these months of April and May, it is possible to witness the effects of slash and burn farming, which is unfortunately practiced throughout much of Southeast Asia.
Key Festivals & Religious Ceremonies
Rocket festival – Boun Bang Fai
What is Boun Bang Fai?
Traditionally held in the 6th lunar month (around May or June), Laos’ rocket festival is a ceremony, where rockets are fired into the air to ask the god of rain fir a good harvest free from floods, drought or pests so that rice planting can begin. Typically taking two to three days, celebrations include dance and music performances, dancers and musicians, competitive processions of floats, and culminate on the 3rd day in competitive firings of home-made rockets. Indochina tours Laos
There are various types, each serving a specific purpose. A Hang or Meun-Saen is the rocket designed to carry prayers to the rain god during Boun Bang Fai. They use the Ma to mark the passing of someone important. And Phu, Ta Lai and Chi Nay mark the beginning of important festivals and ceremonies.
Built and decorated by monks and villagers, large bamboo rockets are carried in procession before being blasted skywards to let the rain god Phaya Thaen realize that this is high time to give the rains. Traditionally, they made these rockets by stuffing gunpowder into elaborately decorated bamboo, nowadays, many different materials, including glass or metal piping, are used. From very small to very large, they come in a variety of sizes. The higher a rocket travels, the higher the praise for its builder is. However, these designers of failed rockets are thrown in a pond or the mud.
In many villages, locals get together in an outlying area to fire into the sky these huge rockets, while those on the ground celebrate by dancing, singing and drinking. It is a big fun day out for all, although it can get a bit raucous and unruly at times.
Memorizing the fertility rite origins of the rocket festival, parade ornaments and floats often sport phallic imagery and symbols. Cross-dressing and great quantities of alcohol, with the high alcohol content Lao lao, Lao khao or Lao rice whiskey, being a favorite, are also included in the festivities.
The Celebration
Before Boun Bang Fai, all villages put together a committee to organize all aspects of this festival, including inviting other villages, announcing rules and safety measures as well as organizing prizes for these best rockets.
On the festival’s day, the Boun Bang Fai becomes a toughly contested completion, which generally only bamboo rockets are permitted to enter. First, all rockets are inspected and categorized. There are different communities competing for the highest travelling and the best decorated rocket. The most beautiful decoration, the highest flyer and the most entertaining team receive scores; a category in which just about anything, from elaborate masks to men wearing women’s clothes, while women sing and dance, goes. If any of the rockets fail to explode, the team’s lead and technicians are forced to drink Satho (rice whisky) or muddy water.
Throughout the celebrations, local hosts carefully prepare a wide variety of traditional dishes for their guests. These days, due to numerous safety concern, including overlaps with aircraft routes and limited space, the size and location of the event is controlled. However, most of them continue to celebrate this festival in one way or another.
In Vientiane capital city, locals organize Boun Bang Fai in the outskirts of the city to avoid the damage of property and help to keep participants safe. In the surrounding villages of Pakhanhoung, Thongmang, Nason, Kern, Natham and many others, the most famous events are held.
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